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How to Clean Unwanted StainsUpdated 14 days ago

So Fresh and So Clean

So you got dropped a chicken wing in your lap, or got to close to a greased lift? First, sounds like you had an awesome day! Second, we have a few crowd sourced ideas for stains on technical gear. Please keep in mind that these are all just suggestions, and we can not guarantee this will improve the look of your gear, proceed at your own risk. 

Some folks think a combo of baking soda and water is good (make sure to spot treat somewhere inconspicuous to test), leave it on over night and rinse in the morning. Some folks have had luck with lemon essential oil on grease, just a small bit at a time. Oxi clean can work but use it sparingly and definitely spot test first! For sticky sap for those tree hugging Flylow friends, we recommend freezing it as best you can and chipping away with a credit card. 

We also highly recommend your local gear shop, seriously. Our gear shops are filled with folks who have been through it all, and probably have some good advice, or at least can commiserate.

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